The Ultimate Training for Website Building (a la WordPress) + Community + Business Badassery for The Next Generation of Geeks (even if you suck at math and tech, or think you’re too old)
The Ultimate Training for Website Building (a la WordPress) + Community + Business Badassery for The Next Generation of Geeks (even if you suck at math and tech, or think you’re too old)
Join WP Rockstar TODAY and you'll get...
Phases 1, 2, 3
6-month membership in the Rockstar community
(undeniably, the heartbeat of WP Rockstar and 10x the value)
Rockstar Workflow with Clickup
Get insanely organized with one PM tool to manage and maintain 5 critical project management tasks in your business (plus your mind).
Get regular job opportunities for 6 months
in your inbox courtesy of Weekly Geekly (student newsletter)
Unlimited access
to course content plus all future updates
2x milestone projects
(phases 1 & 3) with swag incentives for completion
Certificate of Completion
(when you complete phases 1, 2 & 3)
6 Premium WordPress Themes
step-by-step video tutorials on setup, pages, block editor & WooCommerce (that you can't buy anywhere else)
Student-Only WordPress Hosting Discounts Worth $125
Searchable video
Heard something in the training that hit hard but you can’t find the video? With the cool Searchie software, you’ll easily cue up all the videos at the press of a button. (Huge time saver)
Transcripts and closed captioning
PDF guides, swipe files/templates, blueprints, workbooks, etc.
or 6 monthly payments of $249.50/mo (0% interest)
My Rockstar Risk-Free
14-Day Guarantee
My team and I are so passionate about helping you become a WordPress Rockstar, and want to make it as easy as humanly possible for you to give a confident “yes”.
Simply email [email protected] to request a refund for any reason within 14 days of your purchase.
Join WP Rockstar TODAY and you'll get...
Phases 1, 2, 3
6-month membership in the WP Rockstar community
(undeniably, the heartbeat of WP Rockstar and 10x the value)
Rockstar Workflow with Clickup
Get insanely organized with one PM tool to manage and maintain 5 critical project management tasks in your business (plus your mind).
Get weekly job opportunities
in your inbox courtesy of Weekly Geekly (student newsletter)
Unlimited access
to course content plus all future updates
2x milestone projects
(phases 1 & 3) with swag incentives for completion
Certificate of Completion
(when you complete phases 1, 2 & 3)
6 Premium WordPress Themes
step-by-step video tutorials on setup, pages, block editor & WooCommerce (worth $780)
Student-Only WordPress Hosting Discounts Worth $125
Searchable video
Heard something in the training that hit hard but you can’t find the video? With the cool Searchie software, you’ll easily cue up all the videos at the press of a button. (Huge time saver)
Transcripts and closed captioning
PDF guides, swipe files/templates, blueprints, workbooks, etc.
or 6 monthly payments of $249.50/mo (0% interest)
My Rockstar Risk-Free
14-Day Guarantee
My team and I are so passionate about helping you become a WordPress Rockstar, and want to make it as easy as humanly possible for you to give a confident “yes”.
Simply email [email protected] to request a refund for any reason within 14 days of your purchase.
I'd like to go to tier 2 (WITH coaching).
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