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For Every 10 Online Service Providers Petrified To Touch Their Clients WordPress Websites…
...There’s A WordPress Rockstar Who Can Confidently Solve ANY Website Challenge & Charge 5x Their Competition…
And if you think this “unfair advantage” is due to:
Ninja computer programming skills...you’d be wrong
Using the latest drag and drop page builder that would make even a rookie designer attain the status of a WordPress rockstar overnight...you’d be wrong
Technical degrees, geeky math skills, and relevant job experience…you’d be oh-so-terribly wrong!
NO tech degrees. NO page builders.
🥋 NO ninja-ry ⚔️
Because unless you have coding skills...
* You’ll risk creating generic websites (thanks to readily made themes or plugins) that won’t help your client stand out.
* You can’t get into the backend of WordPress to update, edit, add functionality, or fix a hacked website (Fact: WordPress is the most hacked Content Management System)
* You’ll struggle to speed up a client’s web page that takes 10 seconds to load, forcing their online visitors to hit X, and check out the competition’s website instead.
So, if you lack this profitable skill...
1 of 3 Things Happen (Or All)
how to “make that headline 0.5 times bigger” or “change the background color to a hex code #32CD32”, even if you’ve got the BEST Page Builder or WordPress plugins to help you - these tools inexplicably fall short at the crucial hour of execution.
when you revisit your client’s website months later to make edits, or God forbid, fix a hacked site, or make plugin updates - rendering you helpless because you don’t know HOW to fix the problem.
who’ll happily hire a “WordPress Expert with badass coding skills” and pay 5X more to not only build their websites but also protect them from hackers and malicious malware.
Brace yourself, because this is gonna get super un-sexy
With full love for the online service provider community, there are a TON of self-proclaimed “WordPress experts” looking for easy.
But, it’s NOT their fault.
Page builders, plugins, drag and drop themes make it super easy to build a WordPress site in hours instead of weeks.
So, when the typical online service provider gets a WordPress request that is “hard-ish” (read: one that requires coding abilities) - they want to bail… because…
...It’s easier to get through a “web design” job as quickly as possible, pocket their $500 and move on. Wham, bam, kind-of-feels-like-a-scam.
These folks don’t want to trouble-shoot, make updates, fix a hacked site, or create custom solutions for clients. Because that stuff is hard.
“Coding isn’t easy.” Or so they think...
And that’s a good thing for you.
If you’ve got a half-decent work ethic, drive, and a little imagination, you can leap over your competition, charge baller rates, and make a name for yourself.
So, if basic website design skills aren’t (A) sustainable or (B) the path to riches…..
what’s your back-up plan to get clients to fight, beg, & wait to hire your time and coding expertise?
To solve this problem, you've taken these 3 paths.
Neither has worked out the way you'd hoped...
Path 1: You’ve bootstrapped your coding education:
You’ve ordered books on HTML from Amazon and sincerely made the effort to read and understand this “must-know” coding language... hoping it would bolster your confidence when applying to gigs (truth: it’s a marginal improvement, really)
You’ve consumed endless how-to-code videos on YouTube - but for every one step you take forward when you implement a technique, you take two steps back. Worst of all, you’re left alone to figure things out…
You’ve signed up for coding courses on Codecademy and Udemy, but the course creators don’t have “office hours”, forcing you to look for answers elsewhere, and spiraling into a rabbit hole of gibberish, jargony, techy lingo.
Path 2: You’ve learned how to code on the job which means you’ve:
Feigned confidence that you know what you’re doing while you pray to the WordPress Gods to reveal the magic “source code” on an (inefficient) Google search and salvage your career.
Poured over hundreds of hours on YouTube, tech chat rooms, WordPress FB groups to get the help you *DESPERATELY* seek. Only to be confused when they’re all saying conflicting things and you land with a thud, back to where you started.
Path 3: You’ve scanned FB groups for quality leads/clients/projects
Armed with the little tech skills you have, you scour Facebook and LinkedIn for leads. Anytime you see a potential lead or opportunity that requires WordPress providers, you jump in to offer your services. But as the number of comments populates on social media job posts, your confidence nosedives, and you conclude, “they’ll never pick me.”
You sell yourself short, fail to package and sell your services like a pro, commoditize yourself without leveraging your X-factor in discovery calls. #youhatesales
You keep “settling” for less-than-ideal clients (read: energy vampires) who feel justified paying you $10/hour because you DON'T have the coding expertise.
Here’s The Problem...
You're doing (or attempting) jobs for which you have no formal training or direct experience.
You've relied on Google, YouTube, and free Facebook Groups for answers. And it's NOT working. Not like it should...
Nor do you feel comfortable asking the “stupid” questions in the “developer-heavy” Facebook groups without feeling embarrassed and looking “less than” your peers.
And you begin to doubt whether you’ll get to grab a juicy piece of this whole “freedom-work-anywhere” thing everyone and their mother is going ape sh*t over for the last 5 years.
Let’s Get Real For A Hot Sec
You don’t need to have years of coding, fancy certifications, or hardcore developer experience to build a website from scratch, make updates or edits, or maintain them.
You don’t have to learn EVERYTHING about coding before you can troubleshoot your client's websites. The best WordPress Developers learn one technique, double their implementation efforts, and get handsomely paid. Yup, it’s possible!
You don’t need a degree in tech, expensive software, math skills, be a millennial, or attend an expensive coding boot camp to pull this off.
You don’t have to suffer in isolation, trying to figure things out on your own, second-guessing yourself, and not knowing how to deal with a “code red” situation (read: breaking the client’s website and screaming “F$$$*k, my career’s over!”)
You don’t need to be a glorified geek in grimy clothes eating Cheetos at 3 am in your basement to feel “legit” to do this.
You don’t need to feel intimidated by the bro-ish unfriendly cut-throatiness of other courses and communities and give up on your dream of becoming location and financially independent.
Case in point…. Meet Erin Marie Jenkins
She's hitting milestone after milestone, charging $$$$ per project and has quit her 9-5!
Or how about Aly Robins...
In just over 6 months, she's completely changed her life, quit her corporate job and is hitting $10K months!
Go from coding novice to confident troubleshooter like Jennifer Wells….
…..Or feel empowered to dive into the bakck end of websites like Chris Samoiloff instead of relying on plugins!
These wins didn’t come from months or years of learning and laboring...
They were first earned by learning how to code a 2-page website, entirely from scratch, using HTML & CSS in as little as 5 days, to creating a WP site look gorgeous and professional on any device.
They were earned in a safe and judgment-free incubator of support, education, and entrepreneurial resources
If you’re a freelancer-slash-virtual assistant serving online businesses, this means:
Being able to double down in your freelance business by going all-in on your WordPress coding skills and charging baller rates on your proposals.
Being able to offer a wide range of services such as customization, updates, edits, troubleshooting, and adding functionality to websites - making you indispensable and invaluable to clients.
Standing out in a sea of samey virtual assistants, because of your robust coding skills and the plethora of services because of these skills.
If you’re a web designer and desire to get and retain high-paying clients, this means:
Pursuing meatier opportunities instead of self-sabotaging out of fear of NOT being able to deliver (Remember the white screen of death? Ain’t scary no more!)
You’ll be equipped to build a custom website not just with page builders and plugins, but you’ll also have the coding chops to make even the most nitpicky client happy - making you indispensable.
Negotiating higher fees for your WordPress website packages which would include design and development.
There are 5 critical things you need to make that happen…
(You get all Five in WP Rockstar - more about that in a moment)
I’m going to get this out of the way. The WP Rockstar program is NOT for the faint of heart. Learning how to code is like learning a foreign language. It’s not rainbows and unicorns all the way. There will be challenges and some hard(ish) concepts to wrap your mind around.
But, having said that, here’s what you shouldn’t be doing if you want to jumpstart your developer business:
-- Writing lines and lines of code.
-- Learning C++, SQL, or any programming language that will have you sprout chin hairs, grey hairs, and hairs in the nether regions!
-- Watching YouTube videos (minus the application and curriculum) and expecting to build error-free websites from scratch.
I’ve taught myself to code... in a vacuum... without a community. I found a lot of problems with this method...there were a lot of pitfalls.
Here’s the thing, left alone to your devices, it’s easy to flounder, procrastinate, and ultimately give up on your entrepreneurial dreams.
Being part of a community that comprises of like-minded peeps who’ve got skin in the game, genuinely want to see you succeed, and are there for you when you’ve broken a client’s website or have a code-red situation…
...there’s little probability of you staying trapped in your basement till 3 AM troubleshooting issues in isolation and an increased likelihood that you’ve solved the issue within minutes.
The difference between a struggling freelancer and a fully booked business owner is an arsenal of business skills. Talent can get you started but if you have *NO IDEA* how to find and pitch big fish clients, onboard and offboard them, manage your time, stay on top of your taxes, etc. you’ll hit a breaking point.
The fully booked business owner has proven client management systems, knows what to look for when hiring her next superstar VA, can channel Beyonce-Esque confidence on her sales calls...and get the “high stake gig”
Yup, talent can take you so far. But having badass business skills set you apart from a freelancer working in her PJs and SpongeBob slippers.
IMHO, most digital courses stink because after you’re done with them you have no support, no platform to ask questions or engage in dialogue, and worse you have to resort to online forums, blogs, and additional courses to get those questions answered.
But what if you get lifelong course updates and additional training? At no additional cost?
That’s equivalent to hundreds of hours and dollars saved!
“Have questions? Need clarity? Ask Me Anything!”... Said no course creator on Udemy or Codecademy EVER! And if you’re okay with that arrangement, more power to you.
But for most of us, we want to know if you (the course creator) care for your students. That you’re willing to stand by your content and “show up” to support your tribe and answer their pressing questions. Consistently.
Ahem….*Time for a humble brag*
I do all this and more... just ask my students 😊
But, you’re probably wondering who the heck am I telling you all of this?
My Story Starts Here...
Hey Hey!
Julia Taylor Here.
Former intelligence officer, military wife (husband’s now retired), digital nomad, and the proud founder of WordPress Rockstar and The GeekPack® Community (more on that in a bit).
I teach women (and some cool men) how to code and start a location independent business they love.
I’ve helped over 2200 virtual assistants, freelance website designers, SAHMs, and military wives become WordPress Rockstars with badass coding and business skills….
90 Day VA
WP Engine
FBE Academy
VA Tribe
And I’m a fierce believer that….
I’m a hardcore implementation specialist who’ll pick you up when you’re drowning in the choppy waters of overwhelm-slash-techy gibberish that other bro-ish, tech (unfriendly) folks left you off at...
And if you allow me to do it, here’s where I plan on taking you and your business:
"If you want to learn Wordpress development you NEED WP Rockstar. I knew I wanted to offer web design services, but was not confident in my coding ability, so I sat on my idea for almost a year. WP Rockstar checked all of the boxes and gave me the confidence to start pitching my WordPress design & development services. Shortly after purchasing I was booking clients left and right and my revenue increased 250% year over year. My only regret is that I wish I would have invested in this program sooner!”
- Mackenzie Mader
The WP Rockstar Program
A comprehensive program designed to give you the WordPress technical know how, the business resources, live coaching & community you need to jumpstart your WordPress development business.
So you can go from a struggling Online Service Provider to Fully Booked WordPress Rockstar in 3 months (not years)
Get Immediate Access To
100+ Training Videos
100+ Training Videos
Summary worksheets
Real life Examples
Live Q&A sessions
Guest Expert Content
Here’s How The WP Rockstar Curriculum (Value $997) Breaks Down
Module 1
Introduction to WordPress
Gain a solid understanding of WordPress and how to build a WP site on a local development environment.
You’ll have permission to build a site NOT on a live server, so that you can “break” things without ramifications.
Practice creating a site from scratch and develop confidence in your new skills.
Banish the # 1 fear that holds back most new developers - breaking a client’s site on the job!
Module 2
WordPress File Structure & Child Themes
Can you build websites and have a successful freelancing career without understanding the WordPress file structure? Absolutely!
But what happens when plugins break the site or there are issues with the htaccess files?
Creating child themes ensures there’s no loss of customization when a WP theme gets updated.
Understand WP file structure and the importance of WP child themes. (WordPress best practice).
Create child themes for your site and/or your clients sites.
Save time (and face) by never losing pre-built client customizations when a theme updates.
Module 3
WordPress Admin & Adding Content
In module 3, you’ll learn how to navigate the backend of a WordPress site and add content.
From creating new pages and blog posts, to monitoring comments, and exporting content!
BUT... it’s not all that user friendly...at least at first! Once we start to use it regularly, you’ll be a pro.
By the end of this module you’ll no longer feel WordPress is “non-user friendly”.
Learn the inner workings of the WP backend and site navigation.
Understand how the WP Admin and WP content function - and when to use both.
Module 4
Build a WordPress Site From Scratch (Part 1) - Underscores Setup
This is where you’ll create a bulletproof foundation for WordPress site building with total confidence.
There are 3 parts to building a WP site from scratch - Module 4 starts with part 1.
Discover what it takes to build a site from scratch using HTML & CSS.
Gain the confidence to customize WordPress sites beyond a simple page builder or theme.
Restructure the page width and layout to improve the site’s visual appearance.
Module 5
Build a WordPress Site From Scratch (Part 2) - PHP & Wordpress
If you open a zip file in WordPress, you’ll see that most of the included core WordPress files are PHP.
Similarly, any theme that you install is going to include a bunch of PHP files.
And any plugins that you install are – you guessed it – also going to be primarily PHP.
Fortunately, you don’t need to know ALL the ins-and-outs of PHP in order to fully understand WordPress...you simply need to recognize it, and know how to manipulate or customize it!
Understand WP file structure and the importance of WP child themes. (WordPress best practice).
Create child themes for your site and/or your clients sites.
Save time (and face) by never losing pre-built client customizations when a theme updates.
Module 6
Build From Scratch (Part 3)
The final installment in the “build from scratch” series.
In this module you’re going to bring the whole site together (after laying the foundation in modules 4-5), add all content (images, fonts, homepage sections, and the other pages, etc.)
So that they can show off their portfolio site and feel uber confident they can do just about anything to any WP site
Instead of having a portfolio site that is just a basic WP theme/page builder and instead of being scared to make significant customization to WP sites.
Module 7
Responsive Design
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, it’s highly unlikely that you haven’t seen a “mobile friendly” site.
One that you like returning to, becoming an email subscriber, or buying the company’s products or services.
But so many things could ruin that experience…
Long loading times
The distance between the product rows causing a scrolling marathon breaking the user’s interest.
The font size getting smaller or never changing.
And that’s when developers like you can save the day - when you complete module 7, you’ll be able to build a responsive design site, instead of having a site that looks bad on multiple devices (desktops, laptops, tablets and phones)
Discover what it takes to build a site from scratch using HTML & CSS.
Discover how to make the blog archive and individual blog posts responsive.
Learn how to design elements such as the header, footer, the front, and inner pages to be responsive for a user-friendly experience.
Module 8
Every site needs plugins - these little bits of code make it so easy to customize and add functionality to your websites.
Yes, WordPress offers thousands of free plugins. And even though your superpower lies in custom coding those plugins to add oomph factor to the sites...
…You can still use plugins (without adding custom code) to build a site. But on the flipside , adding hundreds of plugins could slow down your site, break it, or worse or get infected with malware.
In this module, I’ll answer this question once and for all: “What plugins are best for WP sites?”
Learn what free and paid plugins I use in my business.
Security & Backup plugins
SEO plugins
And so many more!
Module 9
Migration to Live Server (Flywheel)
A common client request that developers say yes to is: Migrating a site from a local development environment to a live server.
Module 9 will detail the step-by-step training on how to migrate to Flywheel.
Prepare for migration: starts with creating an admin user profile on Flywheel
Ready to migrate: export the site from the Local by FlyWheel.
Module 10
Migration to Live Server (SiteGround)
In this module, you’ll learn how to complete site migration from Local By FlyWheel to SiteGround.
Again, this is a common request from clients that good developers are familiar with and see this as NBD.
Prepare for migration: from setting up a hosting account on SiteGround to setting up a password protected site, this module covers it all.
Run a QA (Quality Assurance) test to make sure all systems are a go before you the site is live.
Module 11
WordPress Maintenance & Troubleshooting issues
A WordPress website whether it’s shiny and new or a few months old, needs to be updated - often in order to function and serve online visitors.
Here’s why updates are necessary (hint: these are powerful benefits to persuade your clients to work with you, when you’re selling your maintenance packages)
Increase security and reduce the chance of website getting hacked or infected with malware.
Fix bugs and issues with previous versions and/or compatibility with other plugins and themes.
Add new features and functionality that the previous versions didn’t include.
6 Months Membership in the GeekPack® Community
(Value $997)
“I wanted to be more confident in my coding skills and ask the ‘stupid’ questions I was too embarrassed to ask in the pro groups.
I didn’t feel safe asking my questions in those groups.” - GeekPack® member
It’s no secret that most tech-ish groups feel heavy on the bro-ish culture, making an outsider (mostly women) feel “not-smart-enough” or “not-good-enough” to have a seat at the table.
And a cornerstone of ANY business is a strong, active, judgement-free community where there’s no such thing as:
A wrong (or right) question
Asking too many questions
A reward for building a business with zero help
A too "vulnerable" share
Gender, age, background, or education being the predictor of success
As you put your NEW ideas from the program into practice, questions will flood your brain and possibly overwhelm you.
And that’s my promise with the GeekPack® Community - No Member Left Behind.
This is where I take off my course creator hat, put on my coaching hat, answer your questions, and get you unstuck within minutes on my twice monthly Facebook Lives
Unlike the local meetups where people are still asking “What’s WordPress?” and “Where do I find my first client?”...
This private Facebook group is your go-to support for asking the questions that keep you up at night, cheering on each other’s wins, and rooting for a GeekPack® member when they’ve had a bad day.
Learn Badass Business Skills & Get An Unfair Advantage
With The Trainings In The Expert Content Vault
(Value $997)
Leave no digital stone unturned on your WordPress coding business! The goal at WP Rockstar is not just to build badass skills but to master your business skills, too.
*Want to pitch 'big fish' clients? *Want that inner voice to be more of a springboard than a straitjacket? *Want to rock your discovery sessions like a pro without sounding “too available”?
Then get ready to have your mind blown when you hear these experts drop the value bombs in various biz building topics:
Esther Inman on how to repurpose content and source ideas (without copying!)
Pamela Dale on how to (legally) stalk your dream clients, invite them on sales calls, and convert them into clients.
Robin Carberry on how to push past 5 major blocks that come between your success.
April Lewis on getting started on earning passive-ish income through affiliate marketing so that your business works for you.
Dawn Sinkule, an expert on e-commerce on how to audit a Shopify site, assess the gaps, and spot opportunities. If you work with e-commerce clients, this training is a must for you.
Ashely Gainer on how to use freelance writing to crank your WP Development Business.
And so many more expert talks that you’ll find inside WP Rockstar.
These talks are all meat, no fluff, and have helped our students make the journey from a freelancer who’s flying off the seat of her pants to a consummate entrepreneur running a REAL business.
The Ready to Swipe & Deploy WP Trello Board Covering The A to Z in your Freelance Business
(Value $597)
From the time you get on that first 20 minute “let's-see-if-we're-a-fit” call with a prospect to offboarding a client after project wrap up…
…Your business processes define and in some cases even precede your reputation.
With this generous resource (not available for sale ANYWHERE), we give you the low-down on how to kick ass with Trello….and cover (more like save) your precious tush with the WP trello board.
Never struggle with what you need to do, rely on memory to check things off on your projects, or drop the ball on your clients because you forget to send a contract.
Here’s what you get with the ready to swipe and deploy WP Trello Board Process Templates & Checklists:
Example Contracts
Example Client proposals
Client intake form checklist
How to onboard clients checklist
How to offboard clients checklist
Project Discovery process checklist
Discovery call preparation checklist
Website Design Process Checklist (if you score a web design client, this one’s a life saver)
And so much more!
Finding Clients 101
(VALUE: $397)
You have the tech skills down pat. Now it’s time to learn the skills to operate a REAL business & treat it like one.
So, if you want to know how to make EVERYTHING in your freelance business 10x more effective…
Easy: Start with this bonus.
You’ll learn where to find your ideal clients (online and in real life)
You’ll understand the nuances of a good client-service provider relationship (your clients will never look for another service provider!)
Get the answer to the #1 question asked by most freelance developers: “How much do I charge?”
Social Media for Online Businesses
(VALUE: $397)
You’re now ready to take things to a whole new level with the hottest organic strategies that will fuel the growth of your business.
Highlights from Lessons 1-3: Instagram For Your Business
Learn everything you need to know about using the right hashtag strategy that will expand your reach and grow your following.
Learn how to create engaging posts that will nurture and deepen your connection with your audience from the get go.
Numbers don’t lie! Understanding your Instagram analytics will empower you to make content driven decisions in your Instagram marketing plan.
Highlights from Lessons 4-6: Facebook For Your Business
Understand how to use your Facebook profile and Facebook Business page to market your business, attract leads, and build a brand (yes, it’s possible!)
If you’re not a member in key Facebook groups, you’re losing out! Facebook groups were the thing 3 years ago (2016) and they are still the thing today. Learn the top tips of productive Facebook group engagement. Build connections that could transform into lucrative opportunities.
Bring in a flood of free traffic by leveraging the most important tool in Facebook - The Facebook Live! Build your authority and expand your reach 3x faster when you know how to captivate audiences through live streaming.
BONUS #1: The Finding Clients Challenge
(VALUE: $397)
Finding clients is one of the HARDEST parts of the online business world, so we decided to make it super easy for you to succeed with the…
4 Week Challenge to Landing your First (or Next) Client...
--> Step-by-step guide
--> Weekly checklists
--> Learn + Implement
--> Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn profile optimization
--> TONS of expert interviews & content
NOTE: Want some accountability? In GeekPack®, we run the LIVE Finding Clients Challenge/LIVE Goal Setting & Project Planning Masterclass twice throughout the year.
BONUS #2: Goal Setting & Project Planning Masterclass
(VALUE: $197)
Student: I want to make $5k in Quarter 2 of 2021
Me: Great! How are you going to make that happen?
Student: I have no idea!
Me: Not anymore you don’t! With this Goal Setting Masterclass you’ll know exactly how to identify your BIG goals and drill down the EXACT steps you need to take for exponential success in 2021 and beyond!
NOTE: Want some accountability? In GeekPack®, we run the LIVE Finding Clients Challenge/LIVE Goal Setting & Project Planning Masterclass twice throughout the year.
We’ll cover:
Discover your motivation, aka your big WHY
What is going well (biz and/or personal)
What is NOT going well (biz and/or personal)
BIG goals
To-do list and timeline
BONUS #3: Audit Checklists & Roadmaps
(VALUE: $197)
Ready to take on clients but you don’t know where to start? Don’t want to ‘cold pitch’ a website?
That’s exactly why we created our EXCLUSIVE Audit Checklists & Roadmaps
What's Included:
Website Audit Checklist
Social Media Audit Checklist
Website Speed & Optimization Roadmap
SEO Checklist
(VALUE: $100)
You heard that right... join before the timer hits ZERO and get $100 off the regular price!
DON'T FORGET to use the COUPON CODE: '100off' at checkout
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: Zero To WP Hero - 5x 6x Premium WordPress Themes
(VALUE: $997)
This special training is for the WordPress Novice ready to build customized WordPress Sites with the Genesis Framework and 6 Premium WordPress Themes.
It costs $780 to get the Genesis Framework and 6 StudioPress Premium child themes...
When you join WP Rockstar, you get them ALL at no additional cost to you PLUS step-by-step video tutorials on each theme!
Finally, you’ll know what theme to use instead of choosing a crappy theme that isn’t easy to customize.
Best part? You’ll be able to customize your clients website and justify the high rates on your client proposals!
Set up a WordPress site using the Genesis Framework and choose from 6 Premium StudioPress Child Themes so that you can get a portfolio site up ASAP.
Learn how to customize a WordPress theme to build on-brand sites for your clients so that they can stand out in the digital space.
Use coding skills such as HTML, CSS & PHP to add customizations to the theme.
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: GeekPack® Swag: t-shirt & laptop sticker
(VALUE: Priceless)
When You Add It All Up That’s A Total, Real-World Value of $6,270
Enroll In WP Rockstar Today
But because I’m super excited to welcome you into the WP Rockstar Program, I’m giving you the opportunity to join today at a *special price* of just….
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: $100 OFF the Regular Price
WP Rockstar: 11 Comprehensive Modules on all things WordPress, hosting, domains, troubleshooting, maintenance, responsive design, etc. (VALUE: $997)
GeekPack Community (6 Months Membership): Private FB group for help/support, bi-monthly 'office hours', job opportunity listings, AND SO MUCH MORE (VALUE: $997)
Expert Content Vault: 25+ interviews and content on online business related topics with MORE to come (VALUE: $997)
WP Trello Board: Step-by-step guide on initial client interaction, to onboarding, to website design → develop → launch, to offboarding; Includes EXAMPLE contracts, proposals, client intake forms PLUS tips for the Discovery Call and SO MUCH MORE! (VALUE: $597)
Finding Clients 101: 8 Lessons covering where to find clients, how to land clients, finding clients 'in real life', finding clients on Facebook, Pricing, etc. (VALUE: $397)
Social Media for Online Businesses: In-depth training on Instagram & Facebook and how to optimize your social media presence for your business (VALUE: $397)
BONUS #1: Finding Clients Challenge: 4 Week Challenge to Land your First (or Next) Client (VALUE: $397)
BONUS #2: Goal Setting & Project Planning Masterclass (VALUE: $197)
BONUS #3: EXCLUSIVE Audit Checklists & Roadmaps: Including Website Audit Checklist, Social Media Audit Checklist, Website Speed + Optimization Roadmap & SEO Checklist (VALUE: $197)
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: Zero to WP Hero - 5x 6x Premium WordPress Themes: 6 step-by-step courses on how to build a WordPress website using the Genesis Framework and Premium Child Theme; Includes 6x Premium Child Themes worth $780 (VALUE: $997)
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: GeekPack Swag - t-shirt & laptop sticker (VALUE: PRICELESS)
REGULAR PRICE: $117/month for 6 months
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: $20 OFF the Monthly Price
WP Rockstar: 11 Comprehensive Modules on all things WordPress, hosting, domains, troubleshooting, maintenance, responsive design, etc. (VALUE: $997)
GeekPack Community (6 Months Membership): Private FB group for help/support, bi-monthly 'office hours', job opportunity listings, AND SO MUCH MORE (VALUE: $997)
Expert Content Vault: 25+ interviews and content on online business related topics with MORE to come (VALUE: $997)
WP Trello Board: Step-by-step guide on initial client interaction, to onboarding, to website design → develop → launch, to offboarding; Includes EXAMPLE contracts, proposals, client intake forms PLUS tips for the Discovery Call and SO MUCH MORE! (VALUE: $597)
Finding Clients 101: 8 Lessons covering where to find clients, how to land clients, finding clients 'in real life', finding clients on Facebook, Pricing, etc. (VALUE: $397)
Social Media for Online Businesses: In-depth training on Instagram & Facebook and how to optimize your social media presence for your business (VALUE: $397)
BONUS #1: Finding Clients Challenge: 4 Week Challenge to Land your First (or Next) Client (VALUE: $397)
BONUS #2: Goal Setting & Project Planning Masterclass (VALUE: $197)
BONUS #3: EXCLUSIVE Audit Checklists & Roadmaps: Including Website Audit Checklist, Social Media Audit Checklist, Website Speed + Optimization Roadmap & SEO Checklist (VALUE: $197)
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: Zero to WP Hero - 5x 6x Premium WordPress Themes: 6 step-by-step courses on how to build a WordPress website using the Genesis Framework and Premium Child Theme; Includes 6x Premium Child Themes worth $780 (VALUE: $997)
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: GeekPack Swag - t-shirt & laptop sticker (VALUE: PRICELESS)
REGULAR PRICE: $117/month
YOUR PRICE: $97/month
(6 monthly payments)
This program is getting more valuable by the day. Every few months I add new content, and that means...the price goes up. Locking in this price, today, right now...ensures you have the content (and all the updates) for life!
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: $100 OFF the Regular Price
WP Rockstar: 11 Comprehensive Modules on all things WordPress, hosting, domains, troubleshooting, maintenance, responsive design, etc. (VALUE: $997)
GeekPack® Community (6 Months Membership): Private FB group for help/support, bi-monthly 'office hours', job opportunity listings, AND SO MUCH MORE (VALUE: $997)
Expert Content Vault: 25+ interviews and content on online business related topics with MORE to come (VALUE: $997)
WP Trello Board: Step-by-step guide on initial client interaction, to onboarding, to website design → develop → launch, to offboarding; Includes EXAMPLE contracts, proposals, client intake forms PLUS tips for the Discovery Call and SO MUCH MORE! (VALUE: $597)
Finding Clients 101: 8 Lessons covering where to find clients, how to land clients, finding clients 'in real life', finding clients on Facebook, Pricing, etc. (VALUE: $397)
Social Media for Online Businesses: In-depth training on Instagram & Facebook and how to optimize your social media presence for your business (VALUE: $397)
BONUS #1: Finding Clients Challenge: 4 Week Challenge to Land your First (or Next) Client (VALUE: $397)
BONUS #2: Goal Setting & Project Planning Masterclass (VALUE: $197)
BONUS #3: EXCLUSIVE Audit Checklists & Roadmaps: Including Website Audit Checklist, Social Media Audit Checklist, Website Speed + Optimization Roadmap & SEO Checklist (VALUE: $197)
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: Zero to WP Hero - 5x 6x Premium WordPress Themes: 6 step-by-step courses on how to build a WordPress website using the Genesis Framework and Premium Child Theme; Includes 6x Premium Child Themes worth $780 (VALUE: $997)
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: GeekPack® Swag - t-shirt & laptop sticker (VALUE: PRICELESS)
REGULAR PRICE: $117/month for 6 months
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: $20 OFF the Monthly Price
WP Rockstar: 11 Comprehensive Modules on all things WordPress, hosting, domains, troubleshooting, maintenance, responsive design, etc. (VALUE: $997)
GeekPack® Community (6 Months Membership): Private FB group for help/support, bi-monthly 'office hours', job opportunity listings, AND SO MUCH MORE (VALUE: $997)
Expert Content Vault: 25+ interviews and content on online business related topics with MORE to come (VALUE: $997)
WP Trello Board: Step-by-step guide on initial client interaction, to onboarding, to website design → develop → launch, to offboarding; Includes EXAMPLE contracts, proposals, client intake forms PLUS tips for the Discovery Call and SO MUCH MORE! (VALUE: $597)
Finding Clients 101: 8 Lessons covering where to find clients, how to land clients, finding clients 'in real life', finding clients on Facebook, Pricing, etc. (VALUE: $397)
Social Media for Online Businesses: In-depth training on Instagram & Facebook and how to optimize your social media presence for your business (VALUE: $397)
BONUS #1: Finding Clients Challenge: 4 Week Challenge to Land your First (or Next) Client (VALUE: $397)
BONUS #2: Goal Setting & Project Planning Masterclass (VALUE: $197)
BONUS #3: EXCLUSIVE Audit Checklists & Roadmaps: Including Website Audit Checklist, Social Media Audit Checklist, Website Speed + Optimization Roadmap & SEO Checklist (VALUE: $197)
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: Zero to WP Hero - 5x 6x Premium WordPress Themes: 6 step-by-step courses on how to build a WordPress website using the Genesis Framework and Premium Child Theme; Includes 6x Premium Child Themes worth $780 (VALUE: $997)
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: GeekPack® Swag - t-shirt & laptop sticker (VALUE: PRICELESS)
REGULAR PRICE: $117/month
YOUR PRICE: $97/month
(6 monthly payments)
"The biggest difference with Julia Taylor's course and other courses is that you will want to do the lessons in WP Rockstar. There are other courses that are easy to understand, but they're boring and dry. Coding can accomplish the coolest and most beautiful things, but it's NOT that exciting to learn. WP Rockstar by Julia Taylor, will have you coding and making WordPress websites in no time with her easy and fun to follow lessons. The best part of WP Rockstar is the GeekPack® group."
- Genevieve
You’re starting with a clean slate which means you have no bias and are receptive to new concepts. I love that! All you need is the drive, determination, and a bit of imagination to succeed at coding.
You will start with the 5 Day Coding Challenge - all my beginner students start here.
I’ve also got a special course called Zero to WP Hero inside the course that will take you step-by-step as you build your first website in WordPress. This is the perfect place to start whether you’re a complete noob or possess some basic skills.
Furthermore, you don’t need coding skills, technical degrees, or fancy titles in the tech industry to crush at this.
A lot of my students are in the 40-plus demographic, have never heard of WordPress let alone build a site, but I’m proud to say they’re crushing it!
Great questions!
You can absolutely build a WordPress site using page builders and drag-and-drop themes. You don’t need to learn how to code to get a decent looking website up.
However, if you want to:
💠 Say “yes” to ANY WordPress request, troubleshoot issues, fix a hacked website, add functionality, and build a customized website (without relying on plugins) - you need to learn how to code.
💠 Not waste hours on YouTube and Google to get the header size just right or a color a shade lighter - you need to learn how to code.
Companies with an online presence want to stand out with their branding. Any designer can use plugins and drag-and-drop themes to build a website.
But the developer who thinks of functionality as well as design will get the gig - and an “okay” on her proposal.
This course is designed to take a WordPress novice to Rockstar in 3 months.
However, I can’t stress this enough that you don’t need to learn everything before you start working with clients.
Most of our students who’ve made their money back with WP Rockstar, STILL haven’t watched all the video trainings.
Only the most hardcore coding geeks will go through every one of the 100+ videos, worksheets, and checklists.
The choice is yours.
Nope. You don’t need to purchase any software to learn how to code.
Yes you can! And truthfully that’s how I started.
So, here’s my question for you:
If you’d rather spend hours looking for YouTube videos to solve your coding challenges - I totally respect your DIY spirit.
But remember every minute you spend searching for information online - there’s a freelance service provider who’s not only leaning on the proven, profitable content, the coaching, and a curated community (GeekPack®) to solve her tech riddles BUT is also saying:
…..yes to client work
….raising her rates
….adding team members
….making consistent income
….living the freedom lifestyle.
So, the real question is - Would you rather spend another minute searching on YouTube with no guarantee you’ll find your “answers”?
Would you rather make a profitable return on your time and effort if you invest in a program that’s helped hundreds of virtual assistants and budding freelancers gain financial and location independence?
This course is perfect for:
a) Virtual assistants who want to uplevel their skills and/or expand their services to include coding/development work.
b) Web designers who want to add coding skills to their repertoire and transform into a killer combo of design + development to equal indispensable!
c) Online service providers who want to specialize in offering web development services.
d) Folks who have the drive, hunger, and determination to do hard-ish things and not give up when the going gets tough.
e) Online business owners who have no interest in offering web development as a service but want to regain control of their own website and keep these skills ‘in-house’ so they don’t have to keep outsourcing to ‘experts’ that deliver sub-par results.
Meaning if you watch the modules, get the resources, execute the lessons, implement actionable advice from the expert vault, receive coaching from me, yet still don’t “feel it’s doing anything for you?”
No problem!
We’ll hit undo on this whole thing. No arm twisting or psycho-babble along the lines of “You got this”. We’ll thank you for trying and send you on your way.
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: $100 OFF the Regular Price
WP Rockstar: 11 Comprehensive Modules on all things WordPress, hosting, domains, troubleshooting, maintenance, responsive design, etc. (VALUE: $997)
GeekPack® Community (6 Months Membership): Private FB group for help/support, bi-monthly 'office hours', job opportunity listings, AND SO MUCH MORE (VALUE: $997)
Expert Content Vault: 25+ interviews and content on online business related topics with MORE to come (VALUE: $997)
WP Trello Board: Step-by-step guide on initial client interaction, to onboarding, to website design → develop → launch, to offboarding; Includes EXAMPLE contracts, proposals, client intake forms PLUS tips for the Discovery Call and SO MUCH MORE! (VALUE: $597)
Finding Clients 101: 8 Lessons covering where to find clients, how to land clients, finding clients 'in real life', finding clients on Facebook, Pricing, etc. (VALUE: $397)
Social Media for Online Businesses: In-depth training on Instagram & Facebook and how to optimize your social media presence for your business (VALUE: $397)
BONUS #1: Finding Clients Challenge: 4 Week Challenge to Land your First (or Next) Client (VALUE: $397)
BONUS #2: Goal Setting & Project Planning Masterclass (VALUE: $197)
BONUS #3: EXCLUSIVE Audit Checklists & Roadmaps: Including Website Audit Checklist, Social Media Audit Checklist, Website Speed + Optimization Roadmap & SEO Checklist (VALUE: $197)
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: Zero to WP Hero - 5x 6x Premium WordPress Themes: 6 step-by-step courses on how to build a WordPress website using the Genesis Framework and Premium Child Theme; Includes 6x Premium Child Themes worth $780 (VALUE: $997)
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: GeekPack® Swag - t-shirt & laptop sticker (VALUE: PRICELESS)
REGULAR PRICE: $117/month for 6 months
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: $20 OFF the Monthly Price
WP Rockstar: 11 Comprehensive Modules on all things WordPress, hosting, domains, troubleshooting, maintenance, responsive design, etc. (VALUE: $997)
GeekPack® Community (6 Months Membership): Private FB group for help/support, bi-monthly 'office hours', job opportunity listings, AND SO MUCH MORE (VALUE: $997)
Expert Content Vault: 25+ interviews and content on online business related topics with MORE to come (VALUE: $997)
WP Trello Board: Step-by-step guide on initial client interaction, to onboarding, to website design → develop → launch, to offboarding; Includes EXAMPLE contracts, proposals, client intake forms PLUS tips for the Discovery Call and SO MUCH MORE! (VALUE: $597)
Finding Clients 101: 8 Lessons covering where to find clients, how to land clients, finding clients 'in real life', finding clients on Facebook, Pricing, etc. (VALUE: $397)
Social Media for Online Businesses: In-depth training on Instagram & Facebook and how to optimize your social media presence for your business (VALUE: $397)
BONUS #1: Finding Clients Challenge: 4 Week Challenge to Land your First (or Next) Client (VALUE: $397)
BONUS #2: Goal Setting & Project Planning Masterclass (VALUE: $197)
BONUS #3: EXCLUSIVE Audit Checklists & Roadmaps: Including Website Audit Checklist, Social Media Audit Checklist, Website Speed + Optimization Roadmap & SEO Checklist (VALUE: $197)
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: Zero to WP Hero - 5x 6x Premium WordPress Themes: 6 step-by-step courses on how to build a WordPress website using the Genesis Framework and Premium Child Theme; Includes 6x Premium Child Themes worth $780 (VALUE: $997)
[FAST ACTION BONUS]: GeekPack® Swag - t-shirt & laptop sticker (VALUE: PRICELESS)
REGULAR PRICE: $117/month
YOUR PRICE: $97/month
(6 monthly payments)
"I signed up for WP Rockstar because I knew how to create Wordpress websites, but I had never built a site from scratch. I wanted to really dive deeper into the world of coding but in a way that I knew I could apply immediately to the work I was doing with Wordpress sites, and WP Rockstar delivered. The money I invested in the course has been SO worth it. The course itself is so easy to follow and walks you through exactly how to build a site from scratch.
Beyond that, the support in the GeekPack® community has helped me out so many times; it’s really awesome to have a friendly and helpful place to go where I can ask questions, get practical, real-life tips and advice, and learn from what others are doing.
The combination of WP Rockstar and GeekPack® have helped me to have the confidence to tackle projects I would have been afraid to take on in the past. Absolutely love Julia and the course and community she has built!"
- Laura Lopez
Still Undecided?
You’re ready to achieve brag-worthy wins inside WP Rockstar if…
You’re fairly new to WordPress, website coding and/or design, and want the speed pass to acquiring deadly skills as a WordPress developer so that you can start signing clients. You’re ready to learn the coding skills that are practical and in-demand. No more wasting time learning All.The.Things.
You’re a virtual assistant or a freelance service provider who’s ready to uplevel her skillset, charge more, and get it! Let’s face it. You did not start a side hustle to earn pennies on the cheap or work for $10/hour clients forever. Coding is a lucrative skill that will immediately position you as the indispensable, go-to expert, and a “partner” in your client’s projects as opposed to an assistant running cheap errands.
You want to start getting your ROI - Sooner. Truth is, you may not be able to finish every single lesson in WP Rockstar. Only the most hardcore coding geeks will go through every one of the 100+ videos, worksheets, and checklists. And guess what? You don’t have to finish everything. I’m committed to adding content that’s relevant and bringing on guest experts who’ll shed value bombs every month - but, you don’t need to play “catch up”.
---> On the contrary, I want you to be able to post this in the GeekPack® Facebook group: “F$4***K….I just made back my investment after going through the first 3 modules!” (FACT: Some of our students have posted such wins).
You want the digital nomad lifestyle: You’re ready to say goodbye to working for “the man”, hang up your shingle, and work with clients from anywhere in the world.
You’re want to get access to qualified client leads who value developers and won’t scoff if you don’t quote $10/hour for a customized WordPress site (if you’re charging this rate, please stop!)
You’re excited to be a part of GeekPack®, a private and a judgment-free Facebook community comprising of go-getter coders, designers, virtual assistants like you who’re willing to solve problems, go the extra mile, and help others to build a successful location independent business.
You’re willing to test things out for 14 days before quitting altogether: Meaning if you watch the modules, get the resources, execute the lessons, implement actionable advice from the expert vault, receive coaching from me, yet still don’t “feel it’s doing anything for you” - We’ll hit undo on this whole thing. No arm twisting or psycho-babble along the lines of “You got this”. We’ll thank you for trying and send you on your way.
Copyright © 2022 | GeekPack® | A JTDigitalMedia, LLC Brand | All Rights Reserved
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