FREE On-Demand Training With Julia Taylor
Become A Sought-After Tech Strategist With More Leads & Projects Than You Know What To Do With!
(Charge double, never worry about your skill or expertise, and pick your best leads to bring on as clients!)
How To Become A Sought-After Tech VA with a Pipeline Full of Leads & Lucrative Projects
(Charge double, never worry about your skill or expertise, and pick your best leads to bring on as clients!)
Can't attend right now? Sign up anyway, since that's the ONLY way you can get the replay and this is a do not miss!
Can't attend right now? Sign up anyway, since that's the ONLY way you can get the replay and this is a do not miss!
“The opportunity to not only learn new skills, but to have an actual learning "path" that would help me to move my business forward! I've gained confidence in my skills and feel better prepared to speak intelligently with clients & potential clients."
In This Masterclass You’ll Learn
How to start CHARGING FOR TECH SKILLS you don't even have yet...
With the confidence you have everything you need to produce amazing results for your clients!
The 2 MOST IMPORTANT skills every capable Tech VA must have!
Nope… it has nothing to do with SEO, code or fancy automations!
The secret to LONG TERM RETAINERS & FINANCIAL SECURITY from clients who refuse to let you go...
So you can future-proof your income against the client feast or famine cycle!
Hi, I'm Julia!
Tech Wizard & Chief Geek (according to my students😅)
I've taught over 3,600 women to say "YES" to any tech request (most of them never considered themselves techy)!
I'm a (former) military wife, self-taught web developer, and lover of Location Independence! In the pursuit of my own career progression, I taught myself how to code.
It was love at first sight, and I was hooked!
Learning tech skills has not only been the single biggest driver of my career progression, but it has also enabled me to follow my dreams of a TRULY Location Independent lifestyle. From a military wife moving every two years with zero career progression, I've since been able to work from home, work from my RV (yep, I was a Full-Time RVer for 1.5 years) and now work from anywhere!
I'm incredibly fortunate to run my 6-figure business from the comfort of my sofa (or wherever in the world I might be)... all because I stumbled upon a marketable and in-demand tech skill!
PLUS! Free Biz Templates For Attending
The 'Get Clients NOW' Kit
(Value: $97)
A client attracting offer framework + fill-in-the-blanks templates that shows you what services to offer, how to structure them, and nip the “what should I charge?” question in the bud for good.
Whether you’re selling a smaller service for $97 (like an hour of your time) or a complex service package for $777… The examples in this PDF will inspire confidence that you can do this too.
But that’s not all…
You’ll be armed with an email pitch plus a Canva graphic template that screams ‘professional’ and can be used to reach out to potential clients with confidence.
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